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Sanskrit (देवनागरी) शब्दार्थ (Meaning of words) English Translation

प्रणम्य शिरसा विष्णुं त्रैलोक्याधिपतिं प्रभुम् ।
नानाशास्त्रोद्धृतं वक्ष्ये राजनीतिसमुच्चयम् ||

प्रणम्य-bow with deep respect शिरसा-head विष्णुं- deity that pervades everywhere त्रैलोक्याधिपतिं - ruler of three loka पश्-to see अक्ष-eye प्रभुम्-master नानाशास्त्रोद्धृतं-uplifter of collection of diverse treatises वक्ष्ये-say/discuss राजनीतिसमुच्चयम्-collection of political knowledge

Bowing with deep respect to the deity Vishnu, the supreme ruler of three realms, I commence by speaking about the comprehensive collection of various political treatises.