In progress; To be improvised further;

Sanskrit (देवनागरी) शब्दार्थ (Meaning of words) English Translation

मुदाकरात्तमोदकं सदाविमुक्तिसाधकं
कलाधरावतंसकं विलासिलोकरक्षकम् । (विलासिलोकरञ्जकम्)
अनायकैकनायकं विनाशितेभदैत्यकं
नताशुभाशुनाशकं नमामि तं विनायकम् ॥ १॥

मुदा - happiness, कर - giving, तम - that, उदकं - sweet drink (Modaka)
सदा - always, विमुक्तिसाधकं - bestower of liberation
कला - art, धर - holding, वतंसकं - wearing as an ornament
विलासि - playful, लोक - world, रक्षकं - protector (Vilasalokaraksakam)
अनाय - without a leader, एक - one, नायकं - leader
विनाशित - destroyed, इभ - elephants, दैत्यकं - demon (Vinashitebha-dait-yakam)
नत - bow, अशुभ - inauspiciousness, अशुनाशकं - destroyer of misfortunes
नमामि - I bow, तं - to that, विनायकं - Lord Vinayaka
(विलासिलोकरञ्जकम् - adorned with the delight of the world)

I bow to Lord Vinayaka, the one who brings happiness like the sweet Modaka, the eternal bestower of liberation, adorned with the art and playful as an ornament, the protector of the world. He is the leader of those without a leader, destroyer of the demon-like arrogance, and the remover of inauspiciousness. I offer my salutations to that Vinayaka. (Verse 1)

नतेतरातिभीकरं नवोदितार्कभास्वरं
नमत्सुरारिनिर्जरं नताधिकापदुद्धरम् ।
सुरेश्वरं निधीश्वरं गजेश्वरं गणेश्वरं
महेश्वरं तमाश्रये परात्परं निरन्तरम् ॥ २॥

नत - bow, इतरा - other, तिभीकरं - fear-inducing
नव - new, उदित - risen, अर्क - sun, भास्वरं - radiant
नमत - bow, सुर - gods, अरि - enemies, निर्जरं - free from aging
नत - bow, अधिक - beyond, पद - positions, उद्धरं - uplift
सुर - gods, ईश्वरं - Lord, निधी - treasures, ईश्वरं - Lord
गज - elephants, ईश्वरं - Lord, गण - Ganas (attendants), ईश्वरं - Lord
महा - great, ईश्वरं - Lord, तम - that, आश्रये - I take refuge
पर - supreme, आत्परं - beyond, निरन्तरं - eternal (Verse 2)

I bow to the fear-inducing Lord, who shines like the newly risen sun, I bow to the Lord who frees the gods from aging and uplifts them to higher positions, the Lord of treasures, the Lord of elephants, and the Lord of the Ganas. I take refuge in the great, supreme, eternal Lord. (Verse 2)

समस्तलोकशङ्करं निरस्तदैत्यकुञ्जरं
दरेतरोदरं वरं वरेभवक्त्रमक्षरम् ।
कृपाकरं क्षमाकरं मुदाकरं यशस्करं
मनस्करं नमस्कृतां नमस्करोमि भास्वरम् ॥ ३॥

समस्त - all, लोक - worlds, शङ्करं - benefactor
निरस्त - destroyed, दैत्य - demons, कुञ्जरं - elephant
दर - doors, इतर - others, उदरं - stomach
वरं - boon, वर - boons, भव - becoming, क्त्रमक्षरम् - eternal syllable (Om)
कृपा - mercy, करं - doer, क्षमा - forgiveness, करं - doer
मुदा - happiness, करं - doer, यशस्करं - bestower of fame
मनस्करं - bestower of blessings in the mind, नमस्कृतां - saluted
नमस्करोमि - I bow, भास्वरं - radiant (Verse 3)

I bow to the benefactor of all worlds, the destroyer of demons like elephants, the one with doors in his stomach, the bestower of boons and the eternal syllable (Om). He is the doer of mercy, the doer of forgiveness, the bestower of happiness and fame. I salute the one who blesses us in the mind. I bow to the radiant Lord. (Verse 3)

अकिञ्चनार्तिमार्जनं चिरन्तनोक्तिभाजनं
पुरारिपूर्वनन्दनं सुरारिगर्वचर्वणम् ।
प्रपञ्चनाशभीषणं धनञ्जयादिभूषणं
कपोलदानवारणं भजे पुराणवारणम् ॥ ४॥

अकिञ्चन - destitute, आर्ति - suffering, मार्जनं - remover
चिरन्तन - ancient, उक्ति - scriptures, भाजनं - reciter
पुर - city, अरि - enemies, पूर्व - first, नन्दनं - delighter
सुर - gods, अरि - enemies, गर्व - pride, चर्वणं - destroyer
प्रपञ्च - world, नाश - destroyer, भीषणं - fearsome
धन - wealth, जय - conqueror, आदि - and so on, भूषणं - adorned
कपोल - forehead, दान - giver, वारणं - protector
भजे - I worship, पुराण - ancient, वारणं - protector (Verse 4)

I worship the remover of suffering for the destitute, the reciter of ancient scriptures, the delighter of the city of gods, the destroyer of the pride of enemies. He is the fearsome destroyer of the world, the conqueror of wealth, adorned with various ornaments, the protector of the forehead, and the ancient protector. (Verse 4)

अचिन्त्यरूपमन्तहीनमन्तरायकृन्तनम् ।
हृदन्तरेन्तरं वरं वारिराशिवरेणुजम्
वितानवीतजाननं नमामि तं विनायकम् ॥ ५॥

नितान्त - eternal, कान्त - beauty, दन्त - teeth, कान्ति - shining
मन्त - jewel, कान्त - beauty, कात्मजम् - son (Ganesha)
अचिन्त्य - incomprehensible, रूप - form, मन्त - jewel, हीन - devoid of
मन्त - jewel, अहीन - without, मन्तराय - obstacles, कृन्तनं - destroyer
हृदय - heart, अन्तर - within, अन्तरं - innermost
वरं - boon, वारि - ocean, आशि - seeking, वरेणु - raindrop, जम् - born of
वितान - extensive, वीत - knowledge, जाननं - knower
नमामि - I bow, तं - to Him, विनायकम् - Vinayaka (Verse 5)

I bow to that eternal beauty, whose shining teeth are like radiant jewels, the beautiful son of Goddess Parvati. His form is incomprehensible and beyond description, the destroyer of obstacles without any obstacles. He resides in the innermost core of the heart. He is the bestower of boons, born from the ocean of the sought-after raindrop of blessings. He has extensive knowledge and is the knower of all. I bow to that Vinayaka. (Verse 5)

ॐ सरागिलोकदुर्लभं विरागिलोकपूजितं
सुरासुरैर्नमस्कृतं जरापमृत्युनाशकम् ।
गिरा गुरुं श्रिया हरिं जयन्ति यत्पदार्चकाः
नमामि तं गणाधिपं कृपापयः पयोनिधिम् ॥ १॥

सरागिलोकदुर्लभं - Difficult to obtain in this world विरागिलोकपूजितं - Worshipped by those devoid of attachment to the world सुरासुरैर्नमस्कृतं - Revered by gods and demons जरापमृत्युनाशकम् - Destroyer of old age and death गिरा गुरुं श्रिया हरिं - I offer my salutations to the teacher, Vishnu, with words and wealth नमामि तं गणाधिपं कृपापयः पयोनिधिम् - I bow down to that Lord of all beings, the ocean of mercy and reservoir of compassion

I offer my salutations to the Lord of all beings, Vishnu, who is difficult to obtain in this world, worshipped by those devoid of attachment to the world, revered by gods and demons, the destroyer of old age and death. I bow down to that Lord of all beings, the ocean of mercy and reservoir of compassion.

गिरीन्द्रजामुखाम्बुज प्रमोददान भास्करं
करीन्द्रवक्त्रमानताघसङ्घवारणोद्यतम् ।
सरीसृपेश बद्धकुक्षिमाश्रयामि सन्ततं
शरीरकान्ति निर्जिताब्जबन्धुबालसन्ततिम् ॥ २॥

गिरीन्द्रजामुखाम्बुज प्रमोददान भास्करं - The sun who is the source of delight like the lotus born from Lord Parashurama's mouth करीन्द्रवक्त्रमानताघसङ्घवारणोद्यतम् - The one with the face like an elephant, revered by the protective covering of elephant herds सरीसृपेश बद्धकुक्षिमाश्रयामि सन्ततं - I take refuge in the Lord with snakes as his bound abdomen, forever शरीरकान्ति निर्जिताब्जबन्धुबालसन्ततिम् - The radiance of whose body has conquered the youthfulness of the lotus and a friend of the young

I bow down to the sun, who is the source of delight like the lotus born from Lord Parashurama's mouth, and is revered by the protective covering of elephant herds. I take refuge in the Lord with snakes as his bound abdomen, forever, whose radiance has conquered the youthfulness of the lotus and is a friend of the young.

शुकादिमौनिवन्दितं गकारवाच्यमक्षरं
प्रकाममिष्टदायिनं सकामनम्रपङ्क्तये ।
चकासतं चतुर्भुजैः विकासिपद्मपूजितं
प्रकाशितात्मतत्वकं नमाम्यहं गणाधिपम् ॥ ३॥

शुकादिमौनिवन्दितं - Worshipped by sages like Shuka and others गकारवाच्यमक्षरं - The syllable 'Ga' that is pronounced प्रकाममिष्टदायिनं - The giver of desired objects, fulfilling desires सकामनम्रपङ्क्तये - To the line of devotees who approach with desires and humility चकासतं चतुर्भुजैः विकासिपद्मपूजितं - The one shining and worshipped with four expanded lotus-like arms प्रकाशितात्मतत्वकं नमाम्यहं गणाधिपम् - I bow down to the Lord of all beings, who manifests self-knowledge

I bow down to the Lord, worshipped by sages like Shuka and others, the syllable 'Ga' that is pronounced, the giver of desired objects, fulfilling desires, to the line of devotees who approach with desires and humility. The one shining and worshipped with four expanded lotus-like arms, I bow down to the Lord of all beings, who manifests self-knowledge.

नतेन्द्रियार्थप्रदं नन्दिनन्दनोद्यतं
विभानुकोटिसुन्दरं नन्दनानन्दिनुवंशकम् ।
नमामि तं गणाधिपं गजाननं नमामि तं गजाननम् ॥ ४॥

नतेन्द्रियार्थप्रदं - The giver of objects not perceivable by the senses नन्दिनन्दनोद्यतं - The one who has risen for the pleasure and bliss of Nandini (Goddess of happiness) विभानुकोटिसुन्दरं - The one with the beautiful splendor of a crore suns नन्दनानन्दिनुवंशकम् - The descendant of Nandini who brings delight and pleasure अवेक्ष्यमूर्तिमानन्दमन्यगोत्रपूजितं - The one beholding whom brings bliss, worshipped by various lineages नमामि तं गणाधिपं गजाननं नमामि तं गजाननम् - I bow down to that Lord of all beings, the elephant-faced one, I bow down to that elephant-faced one

I bow down to the Lord, the giver of objects not perceivable by the senses, the one who has risen for the pleasure and bliss of Nandini, the one with the beautiful splendor of a crore suns, the descendant of Nandini who brings delight and pleasure, the one beholding whom brings bliss, worshipped by various lineages. I bow down to that Lord of all beings, the elephant-faced one, I bow down to that elephant-faced one.